Danny and Stephanie are people people.

Serving others in ministry, marriage, and missions is what makes their heart sing. Danny and Stephanie have served churches and organizations throughout the United States and Latin America for the last two decades, connecting people to healthy community and life-giving purpose through the local church as well as larger church networks.

Their passion is being present, and their fuel is being a part of stories of change, whether those be through marriage ministry, life coaching, speaking and teaching, participating in the discussion of modern missions, hosting retreats for pastors and missionaries, or developing small group resources. 

Danny and Stephanie have served in marriage ministry for the last 20 years as conference speakers, retreat leaders, and leaders of several marriage ministries in local churches. They served as missionaries for 12 years based in Lima, Peru. Danny & Stephanie continue to serve pastors and missionaries globally through their nonprofit, Footrock, and both speak Spanish fluently as a second language. They currently reside in Minnesota and have two young adult daughters.

Danny Gutierrez is the founder and co-executive director of Footrock. He is an MFT candidate at Saint Mary’s University and holds a B.A. in Communication. He has served as a pastor for more than two decades as executive church staff and as a pastor of small groups, cultural diversity, marriage ministry, a missionary internship, and as a church consultant.

Stephanie Leigh Gutierrez is a life coach, podcast host, marriage speaker, and former Christian missionary. She is currently the Missionary Care Manager at "Modern Day Missions" and hosts the “Modern Day Missionaries” podcast. She holds an M.A. in Human Services Counseling and a B.A. in Communication and is a Certified Life Coach, ACC.